
My work represents a synthesis of meticulous observation and boundless imagination, revealing the profound interconnectedness between the microcosm of nature and the macrocosm of the universe. I invite collectors on a transcendent journey, where each brushstroke and sonic layer serves as a conduit to deeper understanding and heightened consciousness.


Francis Dawson's work is rooted in a reverence for the relationships and landscapes entrusted to him. His artistry transcends the boundaries of traditional art practice, embodying a holistic approach to creativity, community, and conservation.

Ever since his childhood fascination with the Farmers' Almanac, Francis has woven boundless connections between science, the arts, and the natural world. This has been actualized in his contributions to and development of educational programs for museums and botanical gardens along with contributions to large-scale art, music, and ceremonial events.

At the heart of his current studio exploration is a deep reverence for personal sovereignty, quantum resilience, and metaphysical encounter. He cultivates active surfaces, objects, individuals and communities by infusing each chance encounter with paint or person with tackle authenticity, tangible beauty, and ritual significance.

Recently, Francis started a creative initiative he has titled "Drawing on the Land.” This open monthly gathering forms relationships and collective purpose between artists, neighbors, elders, and the Earth through art, meditative and garden practices.

Francis Dawson is a steward of both land and creativity seamlessly weaving his passion for art and environmental restoration into a vibrant tapestry. With a rich background spanning from his role as the 5th District Arts Commissioner on the Santa Barbara County Arts Commission to his international tours sharing art, meditative mantras, and devotional music.